SVDSN has been approved for the Sunnyvale Great Candy Cane Hunt!
The decorating event will take place on :
Saturday October 29th 2022
Design has been pre-approved
Materials will be provided.
Only registered members please!
Once registered you need to provide a Waiver for the City of Sunnyvale in order to get a participating ribbon. Email Françoise at to get the pdf document to fill out.
Deadline for the registration and waiver: Thursday October 27th at 5pm
The SVDSN Candy Cane will be displayed from Thanksgiving to New Year and will bring awareness for our loved ones with Down syndrome.
Silicon Valley Down Syndrome Network
SVDSN is a program of Valley Medical Center Foundation who is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization
2400 Clove Drive, San Jose CA 95128