For Medical ProfessionalsThe SVDSN Parents First Call Program provides support and up-to-date information through trained volunteers. Below, please find a prenatal and postnatal referral form that allows you, as a healthcare provider, to connect your patients with SVDSN so we can better support them. |
Supporting parents of children with Down syndrome is at the core of SVDSN’s mission. One way we do this is by reaching out to medical professionals — doctors, nurses, genetic counselors, social workers, and others — to assist them, beginning when the diagnosis is delivered and continuing throughout the lifespan. We recommend the following resources:
The Center for Down Syndrome at Stanford Children’s Health helps each child with Down syndrome reach his or her full potential and function as independently as possible in all aspects of school and family life. Stanford Children's is one of the few children’s hospitals in the nation to offer these much-needed services.
The Down Syndrome Clinic at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital in Oakland offers comprehensive, multidisciplinary visits aimed at gathering a “whole picture” of your child. Each visit with Dr. Noemi Spinazzi, a physician experienced in the care of children with Down syndrome, includes a thorough review of the child’s medical history, with a focus on the American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines.
Down Syndrome Diagnosis Network
DSDN provides medical providers the tools and resources needed to discuss Down syndrome in a way that is supportive and educational.
Best Practices for health care professionals delivering a prenatal or postnatal diagnosis by Dr. Brian Skotko, in the American Journal of Medical Genetics identifies steps in a sensitive process.
The Brighter Tomorrows Website includes an interactive tutorial (in both English and Spanish) that guides health care professionals in delivering a diagnosis of Down syndrome. You may also want to direct new and expectant parents to this website for information.
Clinical Report – Health Supervision for Children With Down Syndrome – these guidelines are designed to assist the pediatrician in caring for the child in whom a diagnosis of Down syndrome has been confirmed by chromosome analysis. Although a pediatrician’s initial contact with the child is usually during infancy, occasionally the pregnant woman who has been given a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome will be referred for review of the condition and the genetic counseling pro- vided. Therefore, this report offers guidance for this situation as well.
Proactive primary healthcare is essential to helping people with Down syndrome achieve their full potential. Healthcare Guidelines have been adopted by the Down Syndrome Medical Special Interest Group.
Adult Down Syndrome Center is a healthcare clinic in Park Ridge, Illinois, that has served the medical and psychosocial needs of over 6,000 teens and adults with Down syndrome since 1992. As a comprehensive medical resource, they provide patients everything from holistic care and support to education and resources in a compassionate, welcoming environment. Their resource library is very useful.
Lumind IDSC Down Syndrome Foundation
Thank you for taking time to research options that will help you provide individuals with Down syndrome and their families the information, resources, and support they need.